Salmon and Blueberry Peach SauceSalmon is a healthy menu choice and a recent supermarket encounter led to a discussion about the nutritional value of fatty fish. My neighbor was trying to chose between wild and farmed salmon. Even though wild salmon may be more expensive, it has more omega 3 fatty acids. iron, copper, potassium, niacin (Vitamin B3), folate and Vitamin B 12 so the extra cost seems well justified. Furthermore, farmed salmon are fed pellets as food made from corn and/or soy with added color compromising the DHA and EPA levels reported as a good reason for eating salmon.

Fatty fish like salmon are also a good source of Vitamin D which can be very important in winter months when we do not get enough sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency is a major nutrition problem that seems to get worse each year because of lifestyle choices. More people are staying indoors because they are scared of the sun or addicted to technology. Others fear eating an egg yolk- the healthiest part of the egg, packed with Vitamin D and more nutrients than a dozen egg whites could provide!

People with low Vitamin D are tired, weak, complain of lots of aches and pain plus get frequent infections. It is not a vitamin but a prohormone that is needed in higher amounts by those overweight, over 50 years old, pregnant and with dark pigment skin color. Get the doctor to measure your 25(OH)D level annually μand be sure your blood level is over 50 μg (not 30). Meanwhile, add salmon to your weekly menu by enjoying this quick and tasty recipe.

4 fillets (4 oz each) salmon
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped fresh or frozen peaches
1/2 cup frozen blueberries, thawed
1/4 cup no sugar added peach preserves
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, optional

Place salmon in large skillet with oil. Heat over medium about 3 minutes on each side. Combine peaches, blueberries, preserves and mustard in bowl. Cover salmon with fruit mixture and simmer on low heat 5 to 6 minutes, until salmon flakes with fork. Makes 4 servings.

One serving= 261 calories; 26 g Protein; 15 g Carbohydrate; 8 g Fat; 378 mg Sodium