
Two mercury compounds have been shown to be toxic to the neurological system. Methylmercury is found in dental amalgams, power plant discharge and other environmental pollutants. Ethylmercury is the breakdown of Thimerosal which is used as a preservative in vaccines.

Methylmercury goes through metabolism in the liver and bile to the intestines where it can be excreted in the feces as an inorganic compound. It can also be metabolized by phagocytic cells in every tissue of the body including the microglia of the brain. How ethyl is metabolized is not known according to Thomas Clarkson, PhD, U of Rochester Medical Center, NY.

As mercury builds up in the body, anxiety, nervousness, mood changes and depression symptoms can give way to muscle numbness or tremors. All fish and shellfish have methylmercury due to environmental pollution. The larger the fish, the more mercury it likely contains.

Vaccines are a major source of mercury due to the frequency and concentration of ethylmercury received in each dose. Why ANY vaccine is given to an infant 6 months or younger (especially low birth weight or premature) defies medical science. The central nervous system is very sensitive in infants.

The Scientific Review & Vaccine Safety group convened by Walter Orenstein, Director of the National Immunization Program at The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in June 7-8, 2000 reported that 140,000 children born between 1992 and 1997 had 40% autism and 37% had speech delay in the California Kaiser HMO study. They were administered DTP and HepB vaccines from 1 month to 6 months of age. TICS at 3 months and attention deficit disorder were reported by Tom Verstraeten, M.D., CDC epidemeologist at CDC. The vaccines used in the study were multiple dose vials containing Thimerosal along with 2 polio vaccines administered before the age of 2.

Vaccines need to be a CHOICE not a MANDATE because they are contributors to neurological disorders and mercury toxicity. Denial and lack of acknowledgement that vaccines can injure people, especially children (seizures, fever, neurological issues) violates parental trust and promotes distrust of all government public health recommendations.

Bad ethics and bad science have resulted in media campaigns, editorials and state declared public health emergencies. Violations of basic human rights due to incorrect assumptions about safety overlook that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” in order to shield manufacturers from liability for death and injuries they cause (Bruesewiyz v Wyeth 2011).

Vaccines have a partial and limited efficacy. The CDC along with the pharmaceutical industry play on consumer fears to justify forced vaccinations of everyone. The U.S. co-authorship and allegiance to the Nuremberg Code of Human Rights and the Helsinki Declaration governing biomedical research indicates that every person must give informed consent to all medical and surgical procedures (World Medical Association, Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, Helsinki 1964, amended 2013).

As a public health nutritionist for over 40 years, I urge people to refuse unwanted/unneeded/unsafe medical treatment. If and when vaccines can be proven to be truly safe and effective, there will be no need to mandate them. Until that happens, preserve the personal liberty embodied in the democratic rights our founders fought and died for (Constitution of the United States of America Bill of Rights Amendment 1).

To limit mercury poisoning, follow these common sense recommendations:
• No fish or shellfish consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding
• Limit seafood consumption to no more than 2-4ounce servings per week
• No childhood vaccinations before 6 months of age
• No more than ONE childhood vaccination from a single-dose vial (no Thimerosal) monthly
• Adult vaccinations only from single dose vial (no Thimerosal)

Remember, individuals receiving vaccines from live viruses (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus, oral polio, influenza) “shed” them – contagious for weeks afterward. (Pediatrics 2010;125:938) (Eurosurveillance 2013;18).