by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Two mercury compounds have been shown to be toxic to the neurological system. Methylmercury is found in dental amalgams, power plant discharge and other environmental pollutants. Ethylmercury is the breakdown of Thimerosal which is used as a preservative in...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Dietary phosphorus occurs naturally in foods like dairy products, animal meats and legumes. The institute of Medicine recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 700 mg/day while the NHANES data indicates that the typical American consumes more than twice that...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins which promote inflammatory responses like Crohn’s disease, systemic lupus, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. They were discovered over 100 years ago and cause leaky gut and gastrointestinal dysbiosis yet the push...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Living with gallbladder flare ups means restricting foods like high fat cheeses, spicy foods, unpeeled fruits. The Digestive Disease publication includes information and menus for reducing gallbladder inflammation.
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Yes, dietary components may be contributing to the frequency of your migraines. The Migraine Headache guide lists the many foods that may be contributing to headaches – chocolate, coffee, nuts, cheese and wine.
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Not all bacteria are bad. Eating yogurt and fermented foods with good bacteria have been shown to improve immune function, reduce diarrhea and aid digestive health. A chapter on Digestive Wellness in the Nutrition Handbook can provide more details.
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Untreated hypertension/high blood pressure is a silent killer. Don’t avoid the need for better food choices and lifestyle changes. The Nutrition Handbook chapter on Hypertension points out that blood pressure is not only related to sodium intake, but...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: Many individuals with hyperlipidemia problems prefer to make diet and lifestyle changes before having to use prescription drugs. The Living with Hyperlipidemia – Cholesterol & Triglycerides publication provides diet and nutrition management...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: During the last ten years microwave ovens have been increasingly used to cook/prepare foods, not just reheat leftovers. Some people use a microwave for every meal and snack prepared! In 1976 the Russians banned microwaves following a Swiss study that showed...
by Dr Betty | Aug 10, 2022 | FAQ
Answer: The Thyroid Gland controls every chemical reaction in your body from basal temperature to cell growth. Monitoring for adequate thyroid hormone production is critical for maintaining optimum health. Without adequate thyroid hormone production you start living...